Friday, October 5

Train - Feels Good At First


I believe Train is most famous for their song "50 Ways to Say Goodbye" and "Drive By". Both of those songs are from the album California 37. The song I chose today is also from that album and is, in my opinion, just as good. Instead of the usual upbeat alternative rock style Train is known for, the song "Feels Good At First" takes a more acoustic route. The gentle strumming of the guitar accompanies the melancholy lyrics perfectly. Besides the song's acoustic sound that I associate with fall, the lyrics also relate to autumn because they describe each season of the year in the two choruses:

Oh, every spring there's a honey bee that stings
So things can change

Oh, every fire get too close and it reminds you
Things can change in love
But it sure feels good at first

Ooh, every autumn colors come, that you've forgotten
So things can change

Ooh every frost some live on and some are lost
So things can change in love
But it sure feels good at first

While the lyrics are a bit sad, as it deals with heartbreak, the melody is very pleasant and it instead cheers me up while I listen. Sometimes I think a chill, mellow song can really make your day by taking your mind off the busyness of life and encouraging you to sit back and take a break. I hope this song does that for you today. Happy fall!


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